Judy Trent
Judy Trent

3 rep max Deadlift @ 270 lbs back in the day


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

CrossFit Gymnastics

CrossFit Mobility

CrossFit Kids

USAW L1 Sports Performance


Judy Trent

About Coach

Originally taught Group X classes at local globo gyms for a few years.  Then I discovered CrossFit in 2009, and was hooked!  I started coaching the CrossFit Kids class in 2011, then eventually moved to coaching the general class.

Turning Point

I  was always in sports growing up.  Working out by myself at the globo gym, I missed having other people's energy to feed off of.  After having my second child, CrossFit  was the community of people that I needed. We support each other to work towards common goals in challenging and improving ourselves at any level.

Motivation & Passion

Motivation comes from being able to do adventurous activities with my family at any age.  Staying physically fit and mentally sharp come as a result of doing these types of workouts.  I see this in the members I workout with and coach, always inspiring.