Tracy Murphy
Tracy Murphy

Clean and Jerk: 145lbs

12" Log Clean: 145lbs

2023 USS Nationals Masters MW (-148): 3rd Place

5th Mountain: 2:30:31 (Yes I know it's slow, but I DID IT!)


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)

PN Level 1 Nutrition Coach

NFPT Certified Personal Trainer

NFPT Fitness Nutrition Specialist

NFPT Endurance Training Specialist

NFPT Resistance Training Specialist

NFPT Functional Training Specialist

Owner / Coach

Tracy Murphy

About Owner / Coach

Prior to CrossFit, I lived the in the world of bodybuilding, competing and coaching for several years. I always saw CrossFit as intimidating and was reluctant to give it a try. It wasn't until the end of 2018 where I got the courage to walk into a local CrossFit gym and I never looked back. The love of CrossFit and the community gave me the courage to take over as owner of Atomic CrossFit in December of 2022.  

Turning Point

A turning point in my life was in 2012 when I was 32. I had never stepped foot into a gym, was overweight, on various medications for depression/anxiety/cholesterol and I was not getting any better. A co-worker inspired to me to walk into a gym where I signed up for a membership, found a coach and never looked back. In the course of a year, through exercise and nutrition, I lost over 40 pounds, got off all my medication and became the happiest I had been in my adult life. I have maintained this for over 10 years now.  Through fitness I have found the healthiest version of myself, both mentally and physically.

Motivation & Passion

Knowing what fitness has done for me, gave me the drive and passion to share and help others. My purpose and goal is to make our members the healthiest versions of themselves. Whether that is mentally or physically or both, I want everyone who walks into a class, to feel better leaving than when they walked in. I am a true believer fitness is medicine.